Here is a brief recap from what I remember. Email addresses for each person are above if you would like to reach out to them for more info.
- Wood Badge – reach out to Tina Kerr (March 2023 Course Director Extraordinaire)
- KEMO (Kennesaw Mountain) Trail Club training – Fred Feltmann. Eagle project coordinators needed.
- Invitation/Application Manager – Donna Carr
- Recharter Information – Lewis Hays
PPT Slide Download: 2022 Foothills Internet Recharter Guide and Timeline (revised)
PDF Download: 2022 BSA National Membership Fees
PDF Download: Internet Rechartering 2.0 User Guide (revised)
PDF Download: Important Rechartering Changes for 2022 - Scout Continuum – Tom Welch – PPT Slide Download: The Scouting Continum
- Cub Continuum – Megan Lee – Unfortunately, we ran out of time to hear Megan’s presentation. It is an excellent presentation. Here is the link for you to check it out
PPT Slide Download: The Scouting Continum – Cub focus - Mike Lotz is always open to new content for his “Laughter is the best medicine” or “Bad Dad Jokes” or “Silly Scout Humor” segways
- Next month is outdoor cooking – let Mike and Larry know if you can come – PRIZES! We will have PRIZES! Youth can and are encouraged to participate.
Hey – if you have a topic you would like to see addressed at Roundtable, let Mike Lotz know. Roundtable is for you – the Scouters of Foothills District.