NEW Scoutmaster / Assistant Scoutmaster Leader Training is a one-session (4-5 hours) course that covers the basics that you need to know to serve as a Scoutmaster or Assistant Scoutmaster and is intended to be conducted in conjunction with Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills (IOLS). IOLS is a two-day course usually conducted over a weekend, and focused on basic outdoor skills that every First Class Scout and Scouter should know. Both courses are required of for Scoutmasters and Assistants.

The Scout Shop should have copies of the Scoutmaster’s Handbook available for purchase prior to attending BSLST.


IOLS covers the Outdoor Skills that you’ll need to lead boys in the Outdoor Program. It’s a lot to learn, but it’s a lot of fun, too. You’ll function as a member of a model patrol in a model troop. No matter what your level of experience, you’ll take away something useful. You’ll make new friends and develop resources that will serve you throughout your scouting experience. The course is designed to be conducted over a weekend, starting Friday evening and running until about noon the following Sunday.

Course manual for IOLS can be downloaded in 2 parts