Project of the Year

National Eagle Scout Service Project of the Year Award

In 2009, the National Eagle Scout Association established the Glenn A. and Melinda W. Adams National Eagle Scout Service Project of the Year Award to recognize valuable service of an exceptional nature by a Scout to a religious institution, a school, community, or other entity. The award recognizes the Scout for his Eagle Scout leadership service project, which is part of the requirements for earning the Eagle Scout Award. Each year, local councils select a council-level winner, and from that pool, each region selects a region-level winner. A national winner is then selected from the four regional finalists.

Council Eagle Scout Service Project of the Year Award

On or before January 21 of each year, an Eagle Scout, his parents, or any registered BSA volunteer (with the Eagle Scout’s permission) may submit his Eagle Scout leadership service project for consideration. The Scout must have passed his Eagle board of review in the prior calendar year (January 1 to December 31). Each council NESA committee will choose one winner from among the council nominees. The winner will receive a certificate and a bronze device for the Eagle Scout embroidered knot from the National Eagle Scout Association.

If your unit feels that an Eagle Scout has completed an exceptional project and is worthy of consideration, a completed and signed Application and a full copy of the scout’s Project Workbook must be submitted by the scout or troop by the above deadline for projects.

Application forms may be downloaded from the NESA site at