Good Egg and District Award of Merit Nominations!
Good Egg Nominations: All Foothills District Units can start submitting Good Egg Nominations for the 2020 year now! Please use the online form on the...
Foothills District BSA
Good Egg Nominations: All Foothills District Units can start submitting Good Egg Nominations for the 2020 year now! Please use the online form on the...
All Foothills District Units can start submitting Good Egg Nominations for the 2020 year now! Please use the online form on the Good Egg Award...
Did you know that its time to nominate your fellow scouters for the District Award of Merit? If you don’t know what the District Award...
Greetings Foothills Scouters: Tomorrow, we will have our first in-person meeting in over 6 months. We will be out in the parking lot at...
Hello what remains of summer….AND….Hello Foothills Scouters: This is just a friendly reminder that our September RT meeting is this Thursday….The Zoom information to...
Foothills and the Atlanta Area Council have a hidden gem of a Council camping and day use property in our own backyard — way closer than Bert...
Allatoona Aquatics Base will open for day programs June 26th, if we can get the property ready. To that end the Aquatics Base team is...
Well, Hello Foothills Scouters: Seems we are unable to have our annual picnic event but your Roundtable commissioners are doing our very best to...
Foothills will be holding its May Roundtable virtually once again via Zoom! Meeting links have been emailed out. If you did not receive the email,...
Please join me this Thursday evening for the April Foothills District Committee Meeting. Our agenda is below. We’ve got lots to talk about in this...