Activity, Boy Scouts, Boy Troop, Crew, Cub Scouts, District Activities, Girl Troop, News, Scout Troop

October Roundtable 10/03/2024

Big Rock:
Risk Assessment and Safety
Cub Family Breakout:
New Cub Resources and Programs.
Please note that the Cub Family Breakout will be Hybrid – both Zoom and in-person.
Scouts BSA:
Outdoor programs 
See you there.
Activity, Boy Scouts, Boy Troop, Crew, Cub Scouts, District Activities, Girl Troop, News, Scout Troop

Invitation to 2024 Foothills District Meeting

Dear Foothills District Members: 

You are invited to the annual Foothills District Business Meeting.

Date:  Thursday, November 7, 2024
Time:  7pm to 7:30 pm – just prior to Roundtable.
Location:  Covenant Presbyterian Church,
2881 Canton Road, Marietta, GA 30066

During this meeting, elections will be held for key positions within the Foothills District:

Slates to be presented:

  • Foothills District Members at Large (MAL)
  • District Chair
  • District Vice Chairs (Membership, Program, Finance)
  • District Commissioner (recommendation)

Recommendation of Candidates:

* All currently-registered Scouters of the Foothills District are eligible to recommend candidates for District Officer positions and Members at Large for the coming year.

* Recommendations must be submitted to the Nominating Committee in writing no later than October 24, 2023.  Nominations from the floor will not be accepted.

* Please submit your recommendations to Britta Smith, Nominating Committee Chair, by email at

Eligible Voters: 

While everyone in the district is invited and encouraged to attend the meeting, those eligible to vote are currently registered Scouters as follows:

  • Chartered Organization Representatives of Packs, Troops. And Crews within the Foothills District,
  • Members at Large of the Foothills District,
  • Atlanta Area Council Members at Large and Council Committee Members residing within the bounds of the Foothills District.

Not a Foothills Member at Large (MAL)?  Become one!

– Scouters who participate on any Foothills committee or activity and those who are ready to serve the District may register as a MAL.
– Unit Commissioners may register as a MAL.
– Come to Roundtable in September, complete a registration form and you will be added to the list of eligible voters.
– We encourage EVERY Member at Large to serve on a committee or activity of their choice.

Activity, Boy Scouts, Boy Troop, Crew, Cub Scouts, District Activities, Girl Troop, News, Scout Troop

August Roundtable 08/01/2024

It’s that time for the August Roundtable.
Roundtable meetings are on the first Thursday of the month starting at 7:30 pm.

This month’s focus will be on:

Big Rock Promoting Scouting in the Community
Scouts BSA Breakout: Service Hours
Cub Family Camping: Building your relationship with your Chartered Org
Before Roundtable, there will be a Foothills Committee Meeting at 6:30 pm.
Activity, Boy Scouts, Boy Troop, Crew, Cub Scouts, District Activities, Girl Troop, News, Scout Troop

2024 Fall Recruitment – Cubs Launch Kits

Volunteer/service hour opportunities for the families in your unit.

The Atlanta Area Council is gearing up for our “Fall Recruitment” initiative, aiming to recruit over 7,500 new youth into the Scouting program between August 1st and October 31st. As part of this effort, we send each new Cub Scout a welcome kit known as the “Launch Kit,” containing essential items for their Scouting journey.

We hope that we can count on your help as we look to pack 7,500 launch kits between July and August. Below is a Google Form registration link where you can select the dates and times that work best for you.

If you would like to volunteer as a unit, please reach out to Warren Parsons (contact information is on the flyer), and he will coordinate blocking off time for you.


Activity, Boy Scouts, Boy Troop, Crew, Cub Scouts, District Activities, Girl Troop, News, Scout Troop

July Roundtable 07/11/2024

Because the 4th of July falls on the first Thursday in the month, our July Roundtable will be Thursday, July 11th presented via  ZOOM only.

The Zoom link will be forthcoming.

The session will focus on upcoming Fall recruitment, school nights, and any updates on Scouting America.
We will conclude with a question and answer session.

Please forward any questions to Mike Lotz (