
2020 Good Egg Nominations are LIVE!

All Foothills District Units can start submitting Good Egg Nominations for the 2020 year now! Please use the online form on the Good Egg Award Nomination page to submit your units Good Eggs. As a reminder, Good Egg Nominations should be submitted primarily by the unit leader or unit’s committee chair and please communicate within your unit to avoid multiple people submitting duplicate Good Egg Nominations.


2020 District Award of Merit

Did you know that its time to nominate your fellow scouters for the District Award of Merit? If you don’t know what the District Award of Merit is, you can learn about it and see a list of past recipients here. If you’ve nominated someone in the past who was not selected, it’s ok, you can absolutely nominate them again and provide additional info and letters of recommendation! To nominate someone, you can either fill out a f fillable PDF and send it in or use a Google Form, both available here. Please try and have nominations and supporting files in by Jan. 7th, 2021.

District Activities

Nov Roundtable

Greetings Foothills Scouters:
How about a virtual stroll in the wonderful world of Foothills Scouting?…..come visit with other Scouting leaders who have terrific information to share with you.
Zoom meeting information was provided via email and the agenda is attached.
Please join in for just a bit of your time this Thursday evening..
Yours in Scouting,
Wayne Marcinko, Foothills RT Commissioner

Agenda: Nov’ 20


Oct Roundtable

Greetings Foothills Scouters:
Tomorrow, we will have our first in-person meeting in over 6 months.  We will be out in the parking lot at Holy Family Catholic Church where we once met, so very long ago….the weather looks great!
Everyone knows the social distancing protocol so please be safe and careful…..adults only (no youth) wear a mask, maintain your distance and respect others space, etc. 
This will be a shortened meeting with opening, announcements with some food to share and closing.  Lewis Hayes will be on hand to help with re-charter questions. 
Units preparing food are asked to provide individual paper products and bottled water utilizing individual food items and food service contact, food servers should wear gloves & masks at all times, insure that no one else handles serving utensils, keep your food selection simple and individualized (I hope this is not TOO confusing)…….. bring your own water bottle, small plate, fork, napkin is even better……..set up in the parking lot can begin at 5:30PM.
For those unable to attend, Larry Labbe will be sharing via Zoom….see below for Zoom information.
I look forward to actually seeing some Scouters Thursday evening.
Yours in Scouting,
Wayne Marcinko, RT Commissioner for Foothills

Topic: Foothills Roundtable
Time: Oct 1, 2020 07:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting:


Roundtable Tonight

Hello what remains of summer….AND….Hello Foothills Scouters:
This is just a friendly reminder that our September RT meeting is this Thursday….The Zoom information to join is below and on the attached agenda…..Please, please join us….This month features a terrific line up of Foothills leaders eager to share just what has been happening in units all around our district during The Age of Covid…..AND, announcements as well as a discussion about BSA training—-SO very important for every unit!
I look forward to seeing you all on Thursday……You are so missed if you do not attend.
Yours in Scouting,
Wayne Marcinko, Foothills RT Commissioner

Join Zoom Meeting


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Meeting ID: 847 1186 3041
Passcode: 072981

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September Roundtable Agenda

OA Kennesaw

The first OA Induction of 2020 has just completed and i’m really happy to say that we have 13 new members from 7 different troops who completed their Induction! Congratulations everyone, I know it’s a lot of work and not a ton of fun at first, but things only get better from here! Make sure you sign up for Chapter Emails using the form on the side of this website so you can stay up to date as Fall Fellowship, an OA Lodge event dedicated to nothing but fun and fellowship is just around the corner in a couple weeks and I hope everyone can come out to it!
I’d also like to give out special shout out to Troop 008, they really knocked it out of the park this weekend! Not only did two of their scouts offer to be Elangomats this weekend, which anybody familiar with the OA knows is a HUGE commitment and we’re really appreciative of it, but two of their other members, including the unit leader help out with the one of the candidate service project splitting and stacking wood for nearly the entire day! Way to go you guys. You guys rock!!
Lastly, we like to congratulate a few more of our Chapter Members as we had 3 scouts complete the Brotherhood Trail this weekend. Thank you for continuing your journey in the Order of the Arrow.
Click the collage to see a full album of photos from the weekend!


District Activities

Roundtable Tongiht

Hello Scouters of Foothills:
Sadly, it is mid summer and we must still hold our Roundtable virtually……while we don’t know when The Age of Covid will fade, we DO know we are one day closer to that date……’till then, Scouting must continue and that means Scouters really need to support the program with more dedication and more enthusiasm then ever before!
PLEASE, Please join us for the Roundtable meeting this Thursday evening…….good participation uplifts us all.
“Come to Learn, Come to Share………And,  Come Support Scouting”
The Agenda is Attached and the Zoom meeting information is below.
Your Foothills Roundtable Commissioner,
Wayne Marcinko

August Roundtable Agenda

Boy Troop, Cub Scouts, District Activities, District Campout, Girl Troop

2020 Camporall Flyer

Dates: October 16-18, 2020
Location: Woodruff Scout Reservation
Who: Scouts BSA, Webelos & AOL Scouts  – $10.00 each
Flyer Download: 2020 Camporall Flyer
Registration: Click Here!
**Please register as a UNIT, not as individuals.**
 This event is designed for Scout Units to invite Arrow of Light Scouts & Webelos to a weekend of Scouts BSA camping at Woodruff Scout Camp, hopefully!  As with everything else this year, the need to be flexible is key.  The program this year is designed to be able to be provided “rain or shine”.   Each youth Scouts BSA, Webelos/AOL Scout will receive an activity kit with the registration fee.  These kits and activities are planned so that each unit with their Cub Scout guests can move from area to area as a group or conduct all activities in their campsites. 

A sampling of the adventures that await the scouts with the activity kits are:

  • Knot tying
  • Fire building
  • Pioneering
  • First Aid
  • Signs, Signals, & Codes (Morse & Semaphore) 
  • Games
  • Crafts
  • STEM

The cost is $10 per Scout (Scouts BSA, Webelos, Arrow of Light) , and TONS of fun!  This is the cost of the kit and if we have to cancel the in person event there will be no refund.  Each unit will still receive their kits with instructions on how to run each activity.  There will also be no event patch this year.   If you would like a t-shirt / hoodie you can order them directly from SquadLocker: 
*Prices are set by Squadlocker, Foothills District has not marked them up in any way and does not receive any portion of the purchase price. Delivery takes up to two weeks. 
Troops need to invite Webelos & Arrow of Light scouts to be their guests for the weekend.  If you need help finding a pack or troop please contact Rudi Shumpert.

Event Coordinator:
Rudi Shumpert
[email protected] 

Camp Allatoona Support Team

Foothills and the Atlanta Area Council have a hidden gem of a Council camping and day use property in our own backyard — way closer than Bert Adams or Woodruff.  Yes, Camp Allatoona Aquatics Base.  Now Camp Allatoona has its own team of volunteers committed to doing what’s needed to support Camp Allatoona.  We call ourselves the Camp Allatoona Support Team (CAST), and CAST is on FaceBook. Please like and Follow our page:


Thanks to all Foothills scouts and scouters who are answering the call to get Camp Allatoona ready for Camp Allatoona’s reopening later this month.  We had over 100 physically-distanced volunteers help out in the last week alone, many of them from Foothills. Many more service hours are available for those who sign up to lend a hand in the coming days.


Yours in Scouting,
Hilary Thornton
Foothills District Chair
CAST Founder