
Allatoona Aquatics Base Workday

Allatoona Aquatics Base will open for day programs June 26th, if we can get the property ready. To that end the Aquatics Base team is having a workday this Saturday, June 13. Adult and/or Scouts BSA-age volunteers are needed to clean out the swim cove and other shoreline areas of driftwood, clean winter leaves and deadfall from pavilions and other key areas throughout the camp.

Volunteers will be divided into small isolated groups and take appropriate precautions. Work groups can start as early as 8:00 AM or as volunteers arrive throughout the morning. Volunteers should bring:

  • Water bottle
  • Sack lunch
  • Work Gloves
  • Mask (recommended)

For more information please contact Dalton Smith ([email protected]) or Mike Gulledge [email protected].


IMPORTANT: Please sign up if you plan on attending!

Sign Up Link:—June-2020



June District Roundtable TONIGHT

Well, Hello Foothills Scouters:
Seems we are unable to have our annual picnic event but your Roundtable commissioners are doing our very best to plan something special even if it is only virtual.
SO, I invite you ALL to join the Foothills District Roundtable, via Zoom this Thursday, June 4…….the agenda with log in information is attached.
You are missed when you do not participate. Scouting has continued even with recent challenges.
Please join me as we gather…..”To Learn and To Share.”
June Roundtable Agenda
Yours in Scouting,
Wayne Marcinko, Foothills Roundtable Commissioner



District Committee Meeting

Please join me this Thursday evening for the April Foothills District Committee Meeting.  Our agenda is below.  We’ve got lots to talk about in this new world of scouting during a pandemic.   This month we’re using Zoom, which is the web conferencing service the Council uses.  We’ll open the meeting at 7PM for fellowship and system technology testing, and start the formal meeting at 7:30PM.  Our District Executive, Leo Manzo, will be “hosting” our Zoom meeting – Thanks, Leo.
Agenda: FoothillsDCM20200409
Zoom Meeting Details were sent out April 7th via email. If you did not received them, please reach out to Hilary Thornton and include you’re name & position.



Virtual Roundtable Meeting

** URL Without Password**

If it requests a password, enter FH2020


Foothills District Roundtable Meeting will be help virtually on April 2nd beginning at 7pm. Please use the info below to join using Zoom. Please also see the post below and share any ideas for service projects you have with the dsitrict!

Topic: Foothills Roundtable
Time: Apr 2, 2020 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 161 430 883

Or Call in with One tap on mobile
+16465588656,,161430883# US


A Scout Is Helpful

In this time of need, it is more important than ever for all scouts to be as helpful as they can be. To that end, we want to hear what service projects your currently working on and any ideas you had for new ones that you can share with the rest of the scouters in Foothills District! To submit a project idea, simply click the link below. To submit an idea:

  • You will have to sign with a Google/Gmail account. (Free to create if you don’t have one)
  • Your email address will only be visible if you choose to allow others to contact you
  • Be prepared, you will be required to upload a word document or pdf with additional information about your project regarding how it works, who it benefits, and how to participate.

(There may be a 3-5 min. delay in your idea showing up. Please be patient and don’t submit duplicates)

Submit a Project Idea

Cub Scouts, District Campout

Webelos Woods 2020

Just a quick recap, Webelos Woods went great this past weekend! Every pack mentioned having a great time which is our goal. Thank you to all the volunteers from Troop 312, Troop 433, Troop 2019, and Troop 2319 for helping plan and staff this wonderful camping opportunity for the scouts!

(click the image below to see the full album of photos from the weekend)


Chris Schornak Memorial Eagle Scout Scholarship Fund – 2020 Annual Update

The Fund is currently at $25,646.00, as of February 22,2020 In addition, we continue to get periodic donations – Thank you! Our goal is to sustain an annual scholarship of $1000 when the Fund reaches $50,000. The Fund continues to accept donations – these may be sent in care of CenterState Bank (formerly Charter Bank), Chris Schornak Memorial Eagle Scout Scholarship Fund, 3324 Canton Rd, Marietta, GA 30066. Checks should be made out to the Chris Schornak Memorial Eagle Scout Scholarship Fund. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me – 770-516-9120. Your donation is tax-deductible, we are a 501(c)3 organization. 


An article regarding Chris originally appearing the Military Times can be found at His son will be 17 this year.


We will award our eighth scholarship this year. The 2020 Scholarship will be $500. The application will be available through the Foothills District Website, after March 1, 2020. The deadline for applying is April 18, 2020. The Scholarship Award will be made at the Flag Placement Ceremony at Marietta National Cemetery on May 23, 2020. Eagle Scouts who are High School Seniors or
are currently enrolled in a college, university, vocational school or junior college are eligible. They must have lived in Cobb County at the time of earning the Rank of Eagle Scout or have been the member of a Venture Crew/Boy Scout Troop chartered in Cobb County at the time of achieving the rank of Eagle Scout. See the application for additional information. If you have questions, you may contact me at 770-516-9120.


More information and 2020 Scholarship Application can be found HERE.


–Fred Feltmann, Fund Administrator

Cub Scouts

Cub Scout Day Camp!

Hello Scouters!


Join us for a week of fun at the Foothills Day Camp June 8th – 12th (8:30am-2:30pm) at Marietta First UMC!  We will offer a program full of shooting sports, crafts, games, woodworking, activities and friends! All of our camps are nationally accredited and staffed by trained volunteers. Our camps welcome the whole family, including siblings and volunteer parents!


Click the link below to register!


If you have any questions, reach out to Leo Manzo at [email protected]
See you there!


2020 Foothills District Cub Scout Day Camp
Dates: June 8-12, 2020 from 8:30am-2:30pm
Location: Marietta First UMC
Questions Contact: Leo Manzo at [email protected]
More Info: Click Here


Leo Manzo
District Executive
Atlanta Area Council, Boy Scouts of America
1800 Circle 75 Pkwy SE, Atlanta, GA 30339
C 404.662.9628 / B 770.989.2865



Updates from Atlanta Area Council & National

Full PDFs of the above message as well as an earlier email from the Atlanta Area Council can be found at the links below.  If you have additional questions regarding the BSA’s Youth Protection Policy or Training, please visit:

If you still have questions, comments, or concerns, you can visit or if you simply want a quick explanation of why the Boy Scouts of America felt the need to declare Bankruptcy, please check out the below explanation.