
October Roundtable

Greetings, Foothills Family!

Reminder this Thursday is our Monthly Roundtable gathering.

Here is a note from Wayne Marcinko – our Roundtable Commissioner.

Greetings Foothills Scouters:
YOU ARE INVITED to attend this week’s Foothills Roundtable meeting………with the weather NOT wanting to cooperate for an outdoor event, your RT team has changed the meeting to a virtual event via ZOOM…….see attached agenda.
This meeting will feature plenty of announcements, an informative update from the Atlanta Area Council on the status of the BSA bankruptcy, important information on charter renewal changes, and much more AND, I promise some fun for all……the agenda is attached.
NO EXCUSES so Please join us virtually ……”Come to Learn, Come to Share”
Your Foothills RT Commissioner,
Wayne Marcinko

P.S.  You are SO very missed when you do not attend Roundtable.

Here is the registration link for Roundtable. Meeting Registration – Zoom

Agenda: FH Roundtable Agenda 07OCT21

District Activities

Foothills Annual Business Meeting

September 18, 2021

To:         Scouters of the Foothills District

RE:         Annual District Business Meeting – November 4, 2021

Elections for Officers and Members at Large for 2021-2022

Elections will be held at the Foothills District Annual Business Meeting to be held on November 4, 2021 at 7:00 PM.  This event will be held both in-person at Holy Family Catholic Church prior to Roundtable and over a Zoom call.  A link will be sent prior to the meeting.

Eligible Voters – Currently Registered Scouters holding the following positions:

  • Chartered Organization Representatives of BSA Units within the Foothills District,
  • 2020-2021 Members at Large of the Foothills District,
  • 2020-2021 Atlanta Area Council Members at Large and Council Committee residing within the bounds of the Foothills District.


Slates to be presented:

  • Foothills District Members at Large
  • District Chair
  • District Vice Chairs
  • District Commissioner (recommendation)

2020 Foothills District Nominating Committee members:

Scott Harward, Wade Patrick, Britta Smith (chair), Hilary Thornton, Thomas Carden


Recommendation of Candidates:

All currently registered Scouters of the Foothills District are eligible to recommend candidates for District Office and Members at Large for 2020-2021 to the Nominating Committee.  Recommendations must be submitted to the committee in writing no later than October 13, 2021.

Please submit your recommendations to Britta Smith, Nominating Committee Chair, by electronic mail at [email protected].



The District Chair, Vice Chairs, and Members at Large assume their respective roles immediately upon election. The nominee for District Commissioner is recommended to the Board of Directors of the Atlanta Area Council and does not assume that post until the Board’s approval. Your participation in this election is important to the continuing health of the Foothills District.


Yours in Scouting,

Britta Smith


Download Letter as PDF: 2021 Annual Meeting invitation letter



District Activities, News

September Roundtable – Thurs. Sept. 2nd

Hi, there! Hey, there! Ho, there!
Quick reminder of our monthly Roundtable gathering. We will be meeting in person at Holy Family Catholic Church on Lower Roswell Road or you can attend with using the Zoom option. If you use the Zoom option, you need to click the link and register to participate. You will then receive a confirmation email with the correct credentials to log in.
So, no barriers – in person or Zoom – your choice. You attendance and participation will make this a great event. Please enter your name and Unit if you are a Zoom participant in the Chat.
Here is the agenda for Thursday night. Please send any announcements to Mike Lotz – [email protected].
Thanks and TTFN. Scott
Agenda: FH Roundtable Agenda 02SEP21

District Activities, News

August Roundtable – Thurs. Aug 5th

Good day Foothills District Unit Leaders!

Summer activities are coming to a close as we transition to a new School year. Please join the Roundtable Staff this Thursday, August 5 and Holy Family Catholic Church starting with Fellowship at 7PM. We would love to hear about all the exciting things everyone has been doing. Educational material will have a heavy focus on the Fall Recruiting season.

Here is a copy of the agenda for review. We ask that EACH UNIT have at least one representative attend Roundtable to bring information back to the Unit Leadership. As a reminder, Roundtable attendance is one of the District Honor Roll (Chicken Pin) requirements to earn this award.

Thank you and we look forward to visiting with you on Thursday!

Agenda: FH Roundtable Agenda 05AUG21

District Activities

July Roundtable TONIGHT

Greetings Foothills Scouters…..Welcome back to in-person Roundtable!!!……..Happy Summer AND Happy Independence Day.
July’s Foothills Roundtable will meet in-person at Holy Family Church and I hope to see ALL of your awesome Scouter faces in attendance.
There will be an abundance of announcements, information, fun and fellowship with breakout discussions.  The Big Rock topic will be a patriotic theme ………….snacks will be provided………Folks, It Just Don’t ‘Git Much Better!
The agenda is attached so please plan to attend ….. We Miss You So Very Much! (And, it is so very difficult to say hello when you are not there)
Your in Scouting,
Wayne Marcinko
Agenda: July ’21
District Activities, News, Scout Troop

Regarding Eagle Boards

Dear Foothills District Advancement Team,

Please see the below announcement from the Atlanta Area Council Advancement Chair ending the Atlanta Area Council’s blanket approval of virtual Eagle Scout Boards of Review.
We are scheduled to have the next face-to-face Eagle Scout Boards of Review at Eastminster Presbyterian Church on Thursday, July 22. As of today, we have five Scouts that will be on the schedule for 7/22. As the date draws closer, I will provide a more detailed list of participants and see who is available for that date. For now, we are getting back to the 4th Thursday of the month Eagle Scout Boards of Review at Eastminster Presbyterian Church so please add to your calendars.
Looking forward to seeing you all again.
John McAskill
Foothills District Advancement & Recognition Chair
Atlanta Area Council | Boy Scouts of America

May Roundtable this Thursday

Greetings, Foothills Scouting family.
This Thursday, May 6, 2021, is the date of our monthly Roundtable gathering. The Roundtable Commissioner Staff is looking forward to visiting with you IN PERSON at Holy Family Catholic Church at 3401 Lower Roswell Road, Marietta, GA 30068 or VIRTUALLY via Zoom. Further details can be found in the Agenda information provided.
Please remember to email Mike Lotz – [email protected] with any announcements needing to be included in the program.
We look forward to seeing you all this Thursday at 7:30 PM!
Best regards,
Agenda: May ’21 Foothills Roundtable Agenda

District Activities, News

April Roundtable Tonight!

Greetings, Foothills Family!

Our monthly District Roundtable is this THURSDAY, April 1st at 7:30 PM via ZOOM. Here is the registration link – Meeting Registration – Zoom

One snippet of the meeting can be highlighted in a note from Mike Lotz. “We are on a mission my friends and that mission is to deliver the best program on the planet to as many youth as we can reach. The last year has presented many challenges but we have managed to Scout On! This Thursday at Roundtable, we will have an open discussion about what has worked for units who have stayed active and what everyone’s plans for 2021 are. We will also brainstorm what needs to be done to get units more engaged and recruiting.”

There will be a Roll Call of Units during the meeting. This will be an opportunity each Unit to share successes and challenges. We are stronger together sharing and helping each other deliver a great program for our youth.

The Agenda is attached for reference and we look forward to visiting and working with you THIS THURSDAY at 7:30PM.

May we always be – Foothills forward!

Best regards,


Agenda: April ’21 Foothills Roundtable Agenda